Strada Iancu de Hunedoara, 077191 Voluntari, Romania
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Last active: about 1 month ago
VILA MODERNA SI SPATIOASA, CU PISCINA, LANGA PADURE Vila este situata pe o straduta linistita din imediata apropiere a padurii Baneasa, cu acces imediat si foarte bun catre Iancu Nicolae, si este dispusa pe D+P+1+M avand o suprafata utila de 400 mp si o suprafata construita de 550 mp. Este compusa din living, bucatarie spatioasa cu zona de dining, birou, 5 grupuri sanitare, 5 dormitoare si un spatiu suplimentar la mansarda, ce poate fi folosit ca hobby room sau loc de joaca pentru copii. Finisajele sunt de exceptie, incalzirea se face prin pardoseala in living si calorifere in dormitoare, iar la parter te poti bucura de atmosfera romantica conferita de semineu. Proprietatea dispune de garaj subteran cu rampa incalzita, spatiu tehnic si spalatorie, iar curtea este amenajata cu plante ornamentale, gazon si piscina. Vila dispune de dotari moderne precum alarma, sistem centralizat de reglare a temperaturii, sistem automat pentru irigarea gradinii etc. Terasa imensa de 60 mp permite organizarea de petreceri. Se inchiriaza cu bucataria complet mobilata si utilata. Actualmente inchiriata, se va elibera la 1 iulie. Descriere amanuntita: Vila este situata in apropierea padurii Baneasa (50m), avand o arhitectura de calitate, modern- minimalista, suprafata utila 400 mp (550 mp construiti), desfasurandu-se pe 4 niveluri: demisol (garaj dublu, spalatorie, centrala termica, atelier/depozitare), parter (vestibul, living, sitting si dinning deschise partial pe 2 niveluri, birou, bucatarie deschisa, baie), etajul 1 (3 dormitoare cu 2 bai si 1 grup sanitar), etajul 2 (living, doua dormitoare si baie, se pot organiza si ca zona de loisire). Parter (spatii fluide cu un minim de despartiri functionale): " Vestibul (18 mp) cu dulap incastrat cu usi glisante furnir natural stejar; " Living (50 mp) partitionat in doua zone: - O zona extinsa pe doua niveluri (h=5,5m) cu vedere spre etaj, pardoseala Casalgrande Padana (Pietre Native di Sardegna), bazin decorativ finisat in calcar natural, deschidere spre o terasa exterioara de 50 mp, incalzire in pardoseala, vitrari foarte ample (aprox. 30 mp); - O zona de semineu (functional si comod, aparent pe lemne, dar functionand pe gaze, cu telecomanda, finisat in calcar natural), avand pardoseala din parchet stejar natural tip dusumea (lamele 16 cm x 240 cm), incalzire in pardoseala; " Birou (24 mp), pardoseala stejar natural tip dusumea, scafe cu lumina cu drosere electronice (pornire instantanee, fara palpaire); " Dining/loc de luat masa (20 mp) extins partial pe doua niveluri (h =5,5m), pardoseala stejar natural tip dusumea, incalzire in pardoseala, vitrari ample; " Bucatarie (18 mp) deschisa spre dining, mobilata amplu (10 ml front), ultramoderna, sertare Blum Tandembox (glisare amortizata usoara si silentioasa), blat lucru granit natural, bar granit intors spre Dinning (pentru micul dejun), aparatura incastrata Siemens/Bosch top de gama (cuptor, cuptor cu microunde, masina spalat vase, hota , plita vitroceramica), frigider high-end Liebherr (latime 1,20 m) avand 4 zone distincte de racire (3 sertare Biofresh termostatabile individual pentru pastrarea indelungata a alimentelor proaspete, frigider, congelator, preparare automata gheata si livrare apa rece conectat la reteaua de apa), pardoseala CasalGrande Padana (Pietre Native di Sardegna), incalzire pardoseala, iluminat ambiental; " Baie parter cu zona dus (cabina tip walk-in), corpuri sanitare Laufen, iluminat mixt spoturi/scafe, pereti si pardoseala in gresie Giardini di Pietra, incalzire pardoseala; " Hol decomandare (8mp) si camera depozitare (2mp) continand centrala de alarmare cu modul antiincendiu, switch distributie semnal internet, amplificator si distribuitor TV/video si centrala telefonica, incalzire pardoseala; " Finisarea peretilor este in vopsea lavabila alba, cu accente de stejar masiv (blaturi), iluminat arhitectural spectaculos cu scafe, lustre si spoturi directionate spre zone de interes; " Livingul si dinningul au vedere spre doua supante si scara spre etaj, spatiul rezultat fiind foarte spectaculos si fluid atat pe orizontala cat si pe verticala. Etajul I: " Dormitor matrimonial (25 mp), deschis spre o terasa (13mp), pardoseala parchet stejar masiv extra, dimensiune mare, scafe cu lampi drosere electronice, zona dressing cu dulap built-in 3,5 m cu usi glisante furniruite stejar natural; " Baie matrimoniala (10 mp) cu zona dus walk-in, cada mare cu hidro/aero-masaj si cromoterapie, corpuri sanitare Catalano, pardoseala si pereti in faianta rectificata Fap Ceramiche, incalzire pardoseala si perete, iluminat ambiental cu spoturi/scafe; " Doua dormitoare in oglinda (23 mp), pardoseala parchet stejar masiv extra, dimensiune mare, scafe cu lampi drosere electronice, zona dressing cu dulap built-in 4 m cu usi glisante furniruite stejar natural; " Baie (8 mp) cu zona dus walk-in, cada mare, corpuri sanitare Catalano, pardoseala si pereti in faianta Dado Ceramiche, incalzire pardoseala, iluminat ambiental cu spoturi/scafe; " Grup sanitar (WC si lavoire), corpuri Catalano si gresie rectificata Ascot; " Supanta (18 mp) cu vedere spre nivelul inferior ce se poate organiza ca o zona de biblioteca; " Terasa foarte mare (60 mp) spre sud. Etajul II (poate fi destinat ca apartament separat sau ca zona de loisire cu sala fitness/sala de jocuri/ dormitor): " Sitting (30 mp), pardoseala CasalGrandePadana (Pietre Native di Sardegna); " Doua camere (18 si 23 mp) cu parchet stejar masiv, cu dressinguri built-in/dulap; " Baie 6 mp cu cada baie si cabina walk-in; " Balcon 10 mp. Demisol: " Garaj (35 mp) pentru 2 automobile, incalzit, rampa acces degivrata (incalzita) cu senzor umiditate/temperatura, usa automata dubla cu telecomanda Hoermann; " Spalatorie (18 mp) cu masina spalat rufe si uscator; " Depozitare/atelier (8mp) cu spatiu organizat rafturi si curent trifazic; " Centrala termica cu centrala incalzire Viessmann programabila multiple circuite, senzor exterior, Boiler Viessmann 200 l, pompe si hidrofor Wilo si Grundfos, dedurizator Osmonics; " Finisaje pereti vopsea lavabila alba si finsaj pardoseala klinker caramiziu; " Iluminare lampi fluorescente (automate in garaj) cu drosere electronice; Alte facilitati: " Gradina (250 mp), cu arbusti si arbori decorativi, gazon, instalatie automatizata de irigare; " Piscina de 8x4 m cu toate instalatiile aferente si 2 spoturi luminoase; " Copertina de soare deasupra terasei de la parter; " Aer conditionat Daikin de calitate exceptionala (consum/silentiozitate) in toate incaperile de la parter, etajul 1 si etajul 2; " Izolatie termica foarte buna conducand la costuri scazute de intretinere pe timp de iarna; " Instalatii termice si sanitare de top cu posibilitatea de control individual a fiecarei zone climatizate; " Loc suficient pentru parcare 6 automobile: 2 in garaj, 2 in curte (pe gazon), 2 pe alee, dar nu permanent. " Centrala de alarmare (se poate face abonament la o firma de paza); " Prize telefon/date (UTP)/TV in fiecare camera cu distributia centrala a semnalului (toate aparatele necesare fiind deja instalate); " Centrala telefonica integrata cu interfon (posibilitatea de actionare a portii si usii de intrare de la orice post telefonic); ID RUN 85720 The villa is situated on a quiet street close to Baneasa forest, with immediate and very good access to Iancu Nicolae, and consists of B+GF+Attic, having usable surface of 400 sqm and 550 sqm built surface. It comprises a living room, spacious kitchen with dining zone, office, 5 bathrooms, 5 bedrooms and additional room in the attic which can be used as a hobby room or playground for children. The finishing is excellent, in the living room is underfloor heating and radiators in the bedrooms and downstairs you can enjoy the romantic atmosphere offered by the fireplace. The property disposes of underground garage with heated ramp, technical space and laundry, while the yard is decorated with ornamental plants. The villa has modern amenities such as alarm, centralized temperature control system, automatic irrigation system for the garden, etc. The huge terrace of 60 sqm allows the organization of parties. It rents with fully furnished and equipped kitchen. Currently rented, will be available in July. Detailed description: The villa is situated near Baneasa Forest (50 m), featuring a quality architecture, modern-minimalist, usable area of 400 sqm (550 sqm), developed on 4 levels: basement (double garage, laundry, heating, workshop/storage), ground floor (vestibule, living room, sitting and dinning partially opened on 2 levels, office, kitchen, bathroom), 1st floor (3 bedrooms with 2 bathrooms and 1 toilet), 2nd floor (living room, two bedrooms and bathroom, which can be organized as leisure area). Ground floor (fluid spaces with minimal functional breakups): "Vestibule (18 sqm) with built-in cabinet with sliding oak veneer doors; "Living (50 sqm) partitioned into two areas: - An area extended on two levels (h = 5.5 m) overlooking the upper floor, Casalgrande Padana floor (Native Stones di Sardegna), decorative pool finished in natural limestone, opening to a terrace of 50 sqm, floor heating, very large glass surfaces (approx. 30 sqm); - A fireplace area (functional and comfortable, apparently on wood, but running on gas, remote controlled, finished in natural limestone), with natural oak parquet decking type (large blade size 16 cm x 240 cm), floor heating, view to the ground floor terrace; 'Office (24 sqm), natural oak deck flooring type, soffits with electronic lights (instant start, no flicker); "Dining room (20 sqm) partially extended on two levels (h = 5.5 m), natural oak deck flooring type, underfloor heating, extensive glass surfaces; "Kitchen (18 m) opened to dining, fully furnished (10 ml front), ultramodern, Blum Tandembox drawers (easy and silent cushioned slide), natural granite countertop, granite bar turned to Dinning (for breakfast), top of the range Siemens/Bosch embedded devices (oven, microwave, dishwasher, hob, vitroceramic kitchener), Liebherr high-end refrigerator (width 1.20 m) with 4 distinct cooling areas (3 BioFresh individual thermostat drawers for safekeeping of fresh food, fridge, freezer, automatic ice preparator and cold water delivery connected to the water supply), Casalgrande Padana floor (Native Stones di Sardegna), floor heating, mood lighting; "Ground floor bathroom with shower (walk-in booth), Laufen sanitary ware, mixed spot lights/soffits, Giardini di Pietra walls and tiled floors, floor heating; "Detaching hall (8 sqm) and storage room (2 sqm) containing fire alarm, switch for internet signal distribution, amplifier and TV/video distributor and telephone exchange, floor heating; "Finishing of walls in white washable paint, with accents of massive oak (tops), spectacular architectural lighting with soffits, chandeliers and spotlights directed to areas of interest; "Living and dinning overlook two six floor withdrawns and the stairs to the first floor, the space resulted being very spectacular and fluid both horizontally and vertically; Available starting with July! First floor: "Master bedroom (25 sqm) opened to a terrace (13 sqm), extra solid oak floor, soffits with electronic lamps, dressing area with 3.5 m built-in wardrobe with veneered natural oak sliding doors; "Master bathroom (10 sqm) with walk-in shower, large tub with hydro/aero-massage and chromotherapy, Catalano sanitary ware, Fap Ceramiche floors and walls in honed tiles, floor and wall heating, mood lighting with spotlights/soffits; "Two opposite bedroom (23 sqm), extra large solid oak floor, soffits with electronic lamps, dressing area with 4m built-in wardrobe with veneered natural oak sliding doors; "Bathroom (8 sqm) with the walk-in shower, large tub, Catalano sanitary ware, Dado Ceramiche floors and walls in tiles, floor heating, mood lighting with spotlights/soffits; "Sanitary group (toilet and lavoire) Catalano ware and Ascot honed sandstone; "Six floor withdrawn (18 sqm) overlooking the lower level that can be organized as a library area; "Very large terrace (60 sqm) to the south; Second Floor (can be designed as a separate apartment or a leisure area with fitness/games room/bedroom) "Sitting (30 sqm), CasalGrandePadana floor (Native Stones di Sardegna); "Two rooms (18 and 23 sqm) with massive oak flooring; "Bathroom 6 sqm with bathtub and walk-in shower; "Balcony 10 sqm; Basement: "Garage (35 sqm) for 2 cars, heated, defrosted (heated) access ramp with sensor for humidity/temperature, double automatic door with Hoermann remote; "Laundry (18 sqm) with washing machine and dryer; "Storage/Workshop (8 sqm) with space organized with shelves and powerline; "Viessmann central heating with multiple programmable circuits, external sensor, Viessmann boiler 200 l, Wilo and Grundfos pumps and pumping, Osmonics water softener; "Walls in white paint and Klinker brick colour floor; "Lighting with electronic fluorescent lamps (automatic in the garage); Other facilities: "The garden (250 sqm) with shrubs and ornamental trees, lawn, automatic irrigation installation;25"Exceptional quality Daikin air conditioning (consumption/silent) in all rooms on the ground floor, 1st floor and 2nd floor; "Very good thermal insulation leading to lower costs for winter maintenance; "Top heating and plumbing with the possibility of individual control of each zone; "Enough space for 6 cars parking: 2 in garage, 2 in the courtyard (on the grass), 2 on the alley "Alarm system (you can subscribe to a security company); "Telephone/data (UTP)/TV plugs in each room with central distribution of the signal (all necessary devices being already installed); "Integrated telephone exchange with intercom (you can access the gate and entrance door from any phone station);
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Details about this property
View all houses in VoluntariProperty type
400 m²
5,500 €
Rental period
Available from
Pets allowed
Swimming Pool
Washing Machine
Price per m²
14 €
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